September 2012: Exploring Frontiers in Neurovascular Health

Dr. Gordon Hasick and Dr. Charles Woodfield were invited to speak to the “Exploring Frontiers in Neurovascular Health” Conference in Okotoks, AB. They presented how the NUCCA correction helps in the resolution of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI). CCSVI is a term developed by Italian researcher Paolo Zamboni in 2008 to describe compromised blood flow from the veins draining the central nervous system. He hypothesized CCSVI plays a role in the cause or evolution of multiple sclerosis (MS). Current research reveals CCSVI is present in other conditions such as migraine headache, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Watch Dr. Hasick’s presentation on “The Influence Of The Upper Cervical Spine On Intracranial Pressure Changes & Vascular Flow” below:

Dr. Hasick and Dr. Woodfield at the CCSVI Conference:

For more information on the conference, please download the pdf’s below:

September 30, 2012 Exploring Frontiers in Neurovascular Health -Trifold
September 30, 2012 Exploring Frontiers in Neurovascular Health -Poster