Patient Responsibility
The Gravity Stress Analyzer (GSA) measures the amount of postural imbalance due to muscle contraction caused by a C-1 Subluxation. This postural check provides many benefits for you by:
1. Measuring the effect of the C-1 adjustments on the spine.
2. Measuring the amount of spinal column distortion from the vertical axis.
3. Checking the accuracy of the leg length check.
4. Reducing the need for pelvic x-rays (it may be required in the future, but initially this helps reduce radiation).
5. Providing follow up comparisons of your original complaints.
The most indicative sign of a C-1 Subluxation is the short leg. Symptoms, or lack of symptoms, do not determine the presence of a C-1 Subluxation and spinal imbalance.
On subsequent visits, the alignment is verified using a leg length check along with hip level measurements.
Healing is an ongoing process. Getting well takes time just as it requires time to get sick. The need is for the patient to hold the correction – to stay in adjustment – until complete healing takes place. All healing is self-healing (i.e.: repair of a broken bone). Self-healing is promoted by the adjustment and correction of the ASC Syndrome. Such things as the length of time the misalignment-Subluxation has existed, the care you take after the correction by avoiding stress factors, the possibility of stretched tendons and damaged ligaments, and lack of your cooperation hinder recovery. If you ask the doctor to assume responsibility for your case you should do that which is reasonably requested by the doctor. Furthermore, you should report ‘all injuries’ to the doctor while under his care because even a seemingly minor injury can cause neurological problems, which can retard recovery or even prevent healing.
Here are some helpful hints for maintaining optimal health:
1. Visit the chiropractor regularly to ensure proper spinal alignment and postural balance.
2. Have a physical examination every year with your family physician.
3. Exercise is beneficial to obtaining and maintaining optimal spinal health and is strongly encouraged at the appropriate time.
4. Be aware of any major life changes (both positive and negative) you are experiencing – as this can be a major source of stress.
5. Take responsibility for your feelings and take action to understand them. Emotional stress can be very harmful and interfere with the physical well being.
6. Have a positive and optimistic outlook on life. A positive attitude and lifestyle are key elements in stress management, and attaining excellent health. Since stress is both an emotional and physical reaction to change, the better you feel in the body and mind, the better you will be able to deal with the changes in your life. Your mind and body are connected. When your mind is healthy, your body can better resist illness and maintain wellness and proper structural alignment. We encourage the process of self-discovery through educational experiences that help increase your awareness and understanding of your life patterns.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”
-Henry David Thoreau